"If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit."Galatians 5:25
"If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." Luke 9:23

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Pendulum Principle

Who hasn't used the expression "mood swings", talked about feeling down, or being on a sugar high?
We are used to this idea of fluctuation in our lives.
Our value is used to swings too, just like a pendulum.
The American Heritage Science Dictionary defines a pendulum as a "mass hung from a fixed support so that it is able to swing freely under the influence of gravity."

Let's say that I am the "mass" hanging from Jesus Christ, my fixed support, but the chains that hold my swing are made up of those things that make me feel good about myself.  If I do nothing, there is no movement, but if I grab hold of those chains and lean backward, I will start to move.
Or I could just be sitting there, minding my own business, when someone comes behind and gives me a push. Caught off guard and maybe not even wanting a push, my swing has been swung and, needless to say, movement has been triggered. Gravity acts as an outside force; it pulls me down, while another force keeps me swinging up again in the other direction. For a second, I hit the heights, and then I'm down for another swing. The longer the chains, the bigger my swing. Without gravity, without a push, without chains, my swing wouldn't exist.
You've entered the pendulum effect.

In real life, it might go something like this:
Someone or some ones whom you admire just ignored you.  Secretly feeling irked by this, you begin to think that you must not be worth enough for them to notice you (just got bumped from behind). That hurts and makes you feel bad about yourself. "What's wrong with me," you think, "why would they not acknowledge my existence?" (it may have been a push that got you started, but now you've grabbed hold of the chains and you're pumping the swing)
What should you do now?
If you are anything like me, you won't do the smart thing. Instead, you'll probably dwell on how bad it feels to be undervalued, think about how wrong they are to misjudge you, try to understand why you're not worth their attention.
In full swing now, the argument in your head intensifies. Negative thoughts about yourself pull you down to a dark place where you encounter anger, accusation and blame. Your pursuit becomes this: Can you convince those around that you are worthy of their attention? Can you convince yourself that you really are important, that you really do matter? You might succeed, but it will never last. Why? Because you are swinging, and what goes up always comes down.

Where is Christ in all this?
So engrossed in the swing, you've forgotten about the support that is holding you.
What would happen to your pendulum if it wasn't hanging from anything?
What would happen to your swing if you took away the chains?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

We are of Those who Believe

Every now and then I find myself drawn into the whole picture and flow of a Bible passage, and I want to sketch it out in words. This is one of those times and it was so encouraging to me, I wanted to share it here.

Hebrews 10:10-39
By His once and for all time offering, Jesus Christ has forever perfected me, cleansed me completely of all sin. His perfection, learned by His obedience, has been extended to me through His sacrifice.
the Holy Spirit adds His testimony to this.
He writes His laws upon my heart.
He even adds...
"I will remember your sins no more."
Imagine that! My High Priest no longer remembers my sins!
Jesus, My High Priest is great and wonderful and noble.
He has opened a way for me through His own blood, through the sacrifice of His flesh.

Therefore...because of Him...and through Him...

I have full freedom, full confidence
I now have a true and sincere heart
unqualified, limitless assurance, absolute conviction
a conscience wiped clean of guilt
I should seize the hope
Seize it!
not weakly, not wavering
I should boldly come into God's presence.
But wait, look around.
I don't go alone.

All the while that I draw near, I must not forget to study and consider how to bring along with me my brothers and sisters in Christ. I must make sure that they come with the same bold confidence.
We do this together, we need each other, we are responsible for one another.
Otherwise, we could be in danger of falling away, of falling into the trap of sin.
For if you keep on sinning, know this, you face God.
You think that the punishment of death for breaking the Law is bad, it is nothing compared to falling into the hands of the living God.
You don't want to go there!
I don't want to leave you behind, unprotected.
Sure you're tired and feel like you can't hold on anymore. It would be so easy just to give up.
But remember you have been here before, you've been humiliated, suffered abuse, lost your possessions, and you did it all gladly because you knew that you had a better, everlasting possession.
Don't throw it all away!
You need endurance?
You have that in your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Live by your faith!
We are not of those who shrink back!
We are of those who believe!
Say it to yourself
We are of those who believe!

Do you know someone who needs to be reminded of that?

for more encouragement,
read to the end of the book of Hebrews