Here is a survey with a little flesh slipped in to help keep you honest.
Do any of these groupings describe you better than the other?
I like to get things done by organizing or delegating.
I’m good at delegating.
I need to know the purpose for what I’m doing.
I get very frustrated when a leader is not organized.
I think that careful planning is the answer to making things go smoothly.
It really bothers me when plans get changed.
I love to take charge of a project.
I don’t find other people’s suggestions to be very helpful.
I forget to ask God for help, especially since I have a good idea of what I need to do.
I frequently question others’ motivation.
I help others identify the root of their spiritual problem.
I feel very strongly about the things that are right.
I am very troubled when I see others doing the wrong thing.
I want everyone around me to see the truth.
I seem to spot phony or manipulative people.
I feel like something is burning inside me when I see injustice.
I often find myself judging others.
I see good and evil as clearly as black and white.
I am usually hesitant about restoring a repentant sinner; I want to see evidence of change first.
I feel like a negative person.
I believe that sometimes people just need a swift “kick in the pants”.
I tend to see “red flags” when discussing plans or situations.
I love to talk about Jesus to unbelievers.
I get animated when I’m sharing the Gospel.
It comes very easily for me to tell someone how to be saved.
When I share about Jesus, people often trust in Christ.
I’m always telling my Christian friends that people are lost and need salvation.
I like to think about how many people I have led to Christ.
I’m always burdened to pray for someone who is lost.
I can sense when someone I meet needs to be saved.
I am critical of Christians who are not talking to unbelievers about Jesus everyday.
I make friends easily with unbelievers.
People tell me I really encourage them to follow Christ.
I love to help others make practical application of specific Scriptures to their lives.
I often help others get God’s perspective through difficult trials and suffering.
I really care about the spiritual growth in the lives of others.
I really want to help those who want help.
I believe people will grow through counsel & the Word of God.
I am sensitive to suffering, troubled & discouraged people.
I like to find the practical application of a message or Bible passage.
I think people will respond to the truth if it is given to them in an understanding and gentle way.
I like to encourage others to take practical steps.
I want to help others find the solution to their problems quickly.
I am frustrated when people aren't changing fast enough.
I really believe that God will do the supernatural.
I seem to be more confident than those around me that God can change impossible situations.
I’m not discouraged by enormous difficulties or obstacles.
I act on faith when other’s say I’m being irresponsible.
I’m impatient with believers who doubt God.
I don’t listen to people who tell me it can’t be done, I trust God anyway.
I am often frustrated at other’s lack of faith.
I will do without so that I can give more to the Lord’s work.
When I hear there is a financial need, I feel great urgency to help out.
I really enjoy working at being a wise consumer and a good steward.
I usually want to give more than I am able; I don’t know how much is enough.
I want to give to everyone who has a need.
I always seem to have enough money even though I never worry about it.
I like to find out how I can support a cause or a missionary.
I seldom forget to take an offering to church.
I love to give away my things.
I like it when people recognize how unselfish I am with my possessions.
I seem to give people money just when they need it.
I can sometimes pressure others to give.
I hope someday I can give 30% of my income.
People often ask me for help or favors and I enjoy doing them.
I do not mind giving time and effort in order to help another out.
I enjoy doing physical jobs, even if they are boring or dirty.
Sometimes I get involved in helping out too much for too many people.
It is hard for me to not respond to a request for help.
The first thing I notice when I walk in a room is what needs to be done.
More often I find myself helping without being asked or told what to do.
I’ll find a way to meet a need even if someone in authority discourages me from doing it.
I am usually helping others rather than taking care of my own responsibilities.
I sometimes resent that others are not helping me.
I want people to notice that I am always serving at Church.
I like to be the first to meet a need.
I feel good about myself when I am helping others.
I like being in charge and at times find myself thinking of how to do something better than the leader.
People seem to like following my directions and plans.
Sometimes I fear being too authoritative or “bossy”.
Maybe I like projects and programs more than people.
I love motivating people towards a goal.
I often have a vision of how things could go better.
I like being put in a place of position or authority.
It frustrates me to have to follow.
It is easy for me to run ahead of God and forget to let Him lead.
I get enthusiastic about inspiring others in a ministry.
I see people as useful to accomplish my goals.
I am very sensitive to how people feel and can notice right away if someone is upset, discouraged, or burdened.
It is very hard to be firm and direct with people; I usually feel sorry for them.
I am often guided more by emotions than logic in responding to other’s needs.
Sometimes my understanding heart has been misunderstood by the opposite sex.
I would never think of reprimanding someone who is in pain.
I enjoy working with suffering people.
I tend to see only good motives in people.
I withdraw from insensitive people.
I am patient with sick people.
My feelings of pity get in the way of giving good advice.
I feel the burden for a wandering Christian.
I feel responsible for the spiritual lives of others and will give my time to help them.
I love being with and ministering to people.
I can tell when someone needs counseling and will make myself available.
I would much rather do a task with people than by myself.
My day is often filled with giving guidance to others.
It is difficult for me to make a decision until I have heard from everyone.
I like it when others need me or depend on me.
I am very protective of others in danger of being deceived.
I want to make sure that those close to me don’t make bad decisions.
When I hear error or see it in another’s life, I find it very difficult to keep quiet.
I am direct and persuasive in what I say.
I hold others to a high standard.
Self-righteousness, sin, worldly behavior, etc. really bother me, and when I see these in a person, I want to correct it.
I like to communicate biblical truth.
I’m frustrated at Christians who don’t obey Scripture.
I think the Bible makes it very obvious what actions we need to take in order to change.
I speak my mind very bluntly.
I tend to see how something can go wrong before it is even started..
When telling people what to do, I have to be careful not to go beyond Scripture.
More Christians would change if we would just speak more directly to them about their sin.
Accuracy of facts is really important as I study.
I like to answer Bible questions and explain confusing passages to others.
Sometimes people may think my explanations are too long.
It gives me a sense of pride to know things.
I place importance on what people know.
I get excited about studying.
I really enjoy researching a passage, digging into it and taking it apart.
Sometimes I appear to have all the answers.
I can give out too much information, too quickly, for others to absorb.
I love to explain a Bible passage.
People seem to understand when I explain things.
The corresponding gift with an explanation of what it looks like and some suggestions for improving.
God has given you the ability to organize, make plans, and manage things. You are good with the details, like things to go smoothly and feel frustrated with disorder and inefficiency. The church needs administrators to help the visionaries bring their ideas into fruition. God has placed many administrators in the church; He is a God of order.
You can be developing skills at delegating rather than doing it all yourself.
God has given you the ability to distinguish what is good or evil, true or lies. He has equipped you with an instinctive sense about motives and intentions, about deception or inconsistency to Biblical truth, to such an extent that you may feel like a negative person. But beware, you can just as easily find yourself judging others if you are walking in the flesh.
You should be making prayer as natural as breathing, because that is the very first thing you should do when God gives you discernment. Also, develop a more merciful and humorous side to balance the judgmental negativity that comes with this gift.
God has given you the ability to share the Gospel in a way that people respond in belief. He has given you a special burden to see people saved, a unique awareness of when an unbeliever needs to here the Good News, a gift for sharing the Gospel clearly and for answering arguments against Christianity. You tend to make friendships outside the Christian community and may even find it frustrating to be around Christians all the time.
Since the majority of Christians score 0% in this gift, if you answered yes to at least four of the related statements, might I encourage you to develop evangelism more. Learn how to be clear in sharing the Gospel. Study the arguments against Christianity and learn creative ways to respond. Be patient with the rest of us who score 0. We know that we should evangelize, so rather than criticize or guilt trip us, organize and motivate us.
God has given you the ability to come alongside people who need encouragement or exhortation in order to stay firm in their faith. You are sensitive to the emotional state of others and are drawn to help the person who is struggling. You prefer to work with the other person on a one to one basis, but find yourself getting somewhat frustrated if they are slow to change.
Since you are drawn to individuals, work on loving others and on building unity in the church. Avoid the trap of thinking you are the only one who can help the person in need, and of making your ministry to the individual more important than to the church body as a whole.
God has given you the ability to know with confidence when He is acting on something, and the certainty that He will do what He says. You see God's powerful activity in the lives of others and believe in the power of prayer. You don't question that God is faithful to what He says, even when others lose faith and doubt. Obstacles do not intimidate you. You easily lose patience with people who continually doubt God.
Since you know that prayer is powerful, Pray more!
God has given you the desire and the ability to give of what He has given you. He may also have given you the ability to make money, or you find that He is always providing you with an abundance. You are, in a way, God's money launderer. You frequently see needs before others do, and would rather give more of what you have than keep it. This gift requires lots of prayer in order to know which needs to which God would have you give.
Learn how to manage money better. Begin developing this gift with consistent and regular giving to your church. Develop a habit of praying about giving, becoming more and more sensitive to the Spirit's leading, always seeking the Lord's mind about it first.
God has given you a drive to serve, as well as the ability. All Christians should serve one another, but you are especially gifted to see the need. You enjoy working behind the scenes, feel satisfaction in doing difficult jobs, often seeing things to do without being asked. You are content knowing that your labor improves the quality of ministry of others.
Keep yourself physically healthy so that you can serve. Be cheerful in labor, not complaining when others aren't helping you. Learn how to ask for help.
God has given you the ability to motivate and lead people. You see the vision for the group before others and take the responsibility to inspire action. You usually step in when direction is lacking, and lead by example. You enjoy building a team of people who can carry out your vision.
Develop a servant-leader's heart, following Christ's example. Avoid seeing people as tools for your vision. Learn submission and humility.
God has made you especially sensitive to the feelings of others. You reach out to those who are suffering and hurting with love and understanding. You are compassion in action; you are God's love in person. You cannot help but see and think of ways to ease people in pain. Because you are so warm and caring, people tend to respond to you in the same way, except for those who have the gift of discernment.
Learn to bring your emotions under the Spirit's control. Rather than avoid them because of their harshness, you need to learn to work well with those who have the gifts of discernment or prophecy. Your compassion and their discernment balance each other.
God has equipped you to care for and protect people. Much like the gift of encouragement, you have a burden for their spiritual growth, but you see people in a group more than one on one. You desire to build relationships with those in the group, nurturing them and helping them to grow spiritually, and are not discouraged by the thought of investing in these people over a long period of time. You are concerned for the spiritual welfare of each, and believe that the group provides safety.
You should be seeking to serve in group settings, and developing skills in spiritual warfare so that you will be better able to defend yourself and the group. Strengthen your knowledge of the Bible, your habit of prayer, avoid sin and lies, and know how to share the Gospel.
God has given you the ability to proclaim His word, to speak His truth and to warn against the outcome of failing to believe that truth. You believe that God's word tells others how they should change the way they are living, and have a burden to speak it to others, holding yourself to the same standard. You cannot overlook sin in the lives of others, speaking truth in order to bring them to repentance. You are often just as harsh and blunt to yourself as others accuse you of being to them.
You should be reading and meditating on God's word everyday, in order to be sure that you are speaking God's truth and not your own.
God has given you not only a love for the Bible, but an ability to study it, understand it, and to make it relevant in the lives of others. You truly enjoy studying the Bible, getting excited about breaking down a passage and observing the details. It thrills you to communicate the Bible to an audience and see them understand it. You love sharing the things you have learned.
You should be diligent to set aside a time everyday, not just for reading the Bible, but to take a passage and study it, take it apart, meditate on it, digest it and apply it. Your long term goal is to know what the whole Bible says. If you aren't teaching anyone, start by volunteering to teach children.
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