So you want to walk by the Spirit, only this isn't the first time you've been here prepared to take that step.
Do you wonder how this time it's going to be different? Have you given up hoping it could be different?
Maybe you have wanted to work on your spiritual life for a variety of reasons, but eventually end up discouraged with where you are in this walk. Why is it so hard? Why does it seem to not stick? Why do I always seem to be back where I started?
Could it be that this is normal, that you will always find yourself here at the beginning again?
Geez, that's not exactly what you were looking for, is it? You were hoping maybe to be free from sin, pain, struggle, and doubts. You were hoping to arrive with other spiritual giants and never be criticized or judged. You were hoping to never have to feel bad about yourself again.
I had that hope too.
I wonder if the disciple Peter ever felt that way.
The disciples were a group of men that spent every moment with Jesus. For three years, they saw His miracles, they heard His teachings, they felt the sting of His rebukes. That didn't keep them from experiencing failures, making blunders or saying stupid things though.
Example: Matthew 16:13-28
Jesus asks the disciples if they understand who He is? Peter, keeping in character, pipes up first with the right answer, confessing that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of the Living God, and he is rewarded with some super-charged words of affirmation from Jesus. "Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you but My Father who is in heaven." Then He follows that with even more amazing things about building His church, and giving Peter the keys of the kingdom of heaven. I'm not going to debate just what Jesus meant by those words, but regardless of the meaning, I imagine Peter must have felt pretty pumped after getting that kind of praise from Jesus, especially if his love language was words of affirmation.
But then it all goes wrong when Jesus starts to teach the disciples about the suffering side of the Servant, and Peter blurts out, "God forbid it Lord! This shall never happen to You."
"Satan," this is what Jesus calls Peter, "get behind me for you are a stumbling block!"
Your priorities are wrong, Peter, you have a mind not intent on promoting what God wills, but on what pleases men.
It disturbs me to think that Jesus could be saying the exact same thing about you and me? Are we not more on man's side, ie. our side, than on God's? Are we not more intent on our own interests and plans than on God's plan for us?
Jesus is finally letting the disciples in on God's plan, and they are less than excited about it. Death and suffering clash with their goals, just like they clash with ours. Note that, what Jesus says to his disciples next, takes us right to the point of crosswalking.
"If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me."
This is how it is going to be. If you are going to follow Me, you're going to have to take up your cross as well. You can't value your life here on earth more than your eternal life, you can't hope to profit from this world. In other words, you are in for some suffering too, if you are serious about being my disciple.
A problem arises when we want to take charge of the reforming process. We come with our own purposes in mind, with our own stipulations, with our own expectations. We also feel a little entitled to give God suggestions on how, when, where and by whom it should be done. So when the process gets difficult or we don't like where it's going, we derail, or take a detour, or make a bypass, or take any route that shortens the track, thereby, insuring that we circle right back to the beginning, again, instead of going straight. Though we will always have the flesh with us, we don't have to live by the flesh, we don't have to be stuck in this bungee style perpetual looping.
This time, walking by the Spirit will be different because you are going to follow Christ His way.
The result will be that...
you'll know authentic fruit of the Spirit, especially peace and joy.
you'll know the Spirit's power, while boasting in your own weakness.
you'll know victory over sin.
you'll know that Jesus Christ is the only One who makes your life worth living.
you'll know that the Father is completely trustworthy.
you'll know that grace is overwhelming.
you'll want to please God and not yourself.
you'll accept the tools God uses.
you'll know those tools to be weakness, humility, suffering and repentance.
My hope is that, through the next chapters, you will be inspired with a vision of how beautiful each of these things are to God and desire them in your life as much as He does.