Did you know that offense is the mark of a proud man? I'm not talking about the offender here; I'm saying that pride prompts the offendee. Think back to the last time you were offended. Not sure when that was?
Well, think about the last time you got angry, felt your blood boil, got your feelings hurt. Did someone or something offend you? I bet you thought you were completely within your rights to be offended, that the other person was solely responsible for the offense. Did it ever occur to you that being offended was your choice, that you could choose to let it go? What makes letting go of an offense seem so impossible? Isn't it really all about your pride?
I know.
The idea prickles.
And another thing.
When my pride is pricked with my failure to be as good as I thought I was, I'm brought down by guilt and shame, and even though this feels low, it's not the real thing.
And when my pride is pricked by fear that others don't think as highly of me as I would like them to, I sink low into self-pity and self-loathing, but my slime pit does not make me humble.
And when my pride is pricked by weakness, my flesh would rather choose defeat than be broken by God. Defeat may knock me down, but it is not humility.
Offense, hurt, guilt, shame, self-pity, self-hate, defeat are all humility knock-offs, produced by my flesh to avoid paying the high cost of true humility, to keep me from dying to self.
Paul prickles my pride when he scolds the Corinthians for taking each other to court and bringing up lawsuits. He suggests, "Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be defrauded?" (1corinthians6:7)
Have you ever been wronged, cheated, robbed, deprived of what is your due? First thing you wanted to do was lay down and let the other person win.
Oh, it wasn't?
Really Paul, this is a hard pill to swallow, how in the world can I let others think I'm wrong when I know I'm right!
Jesus said, "you have heard it said 'an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.'
Well, I say, do not resist him who is evil;
but if he slaps you on your right cheek, offer him the other one.
And if he wants to sue you for the shirt on your back, give him your coat too.
And if he forces you to go one mile, you go two miles." (matthew5:38-41)
And if you are falsely accused, beaten, tortured, mocked, forced to carry your own cross to your execution, then use your last breaths to plead for their forgiveness.
Next time you get your "feelings hurt", see it as an opportunity to take up your cross, as a chance to die.
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